Historical vault Rothenburg

Culture in Rothenburg

Proximity to the audience is part of the concept
Culture in Rothenburg, offers a wealth of impressive, unexpectedly funny and surprising plays and cabaret events. With these latest trends, it enriches the city’s profile – away from the rooftop avalanches and the inevitable cheap souvenir shops.
The cultural composition is put together so well it is sure to make even some larger cities jealous and delight the connoisseur – here you can experience the art of acting authentically up close and personal, without the obligatory merchandising.
Get involved and experience the Rothenburger Culture with these insider tips – and then judge for yourself.

Imperial city days

The Imperial City Festival in September, is the highlight of the annual events…

Staufer columns

In 2010, a Staufer column was installed in the castle garden in addition to the existing Staufer columns. In memory of the important …

Hans Sachs Play

The master draught

Old rothenburg association